Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Out Of This World Pizza Creations

Everyone likes pizza, and everyone has their "perfect" way to dress it up. Some people like their pies simple with just sauce and cheese. Some folks load up the veggies to the point that it almost looks like an entire salad is sitting on top of the crust. On the other end of the spectrum are the meat lovers. They would like nothing more than an entire side of beef on top of their delicacy, that is, unless they can also squeeze in a side of pork and a whole chicken somewhere throughout the pie as well.
With all of these typical varieties, the question, then, is what ingredients make up some of the most creative, mind-blowing specialty pies out there? What kind of pizza, if any, has yet to be discovered by the masses, and once it is it will replace the traditional supreme and meat lover varieties as the all-time favorite pie? Honestly, I do not know if such as pie even exists, but take a look at these ingenious creations described below and decide for yourself if any of them might just end up being the next big thing.
Okay, let's start out this ride on the tame side. One excellent tasting pie without all of the flash is the ham, cheddar and apple pizza. In terms of flavor, this one comes close to a signature Hawaiian pie. It mixes the saltiness of the ham with the sweetness of the apple nicely. What kicks you a bit with this creation is the faint tartness that also comes from the apple. All in all, this is a very tasty treat.

Next up, here is something out of the ordinary. How about a brunch pizza? Yes, you read that correctly. For this type of pie we have to add everybody's favorite brunch food, eggs. Along with the eggs there is a generous portion of smoked salmon used as a topping. This wonderful idea places the eggs, in a scrambled state, equally portioned over the cheese. The salmon is then chopped into bite size pieces and spread throughout the pie. This creation also goes heavy with its use of garlic and black pepper to eliminate any "fishy" smell or taste.
If you are looking for a completely non-traditional tasting pie, a good option may be the chicken, brie and spinach pizza. This creation is actually made without any sauce. Instead a whole-wheat crust is generously topped with sesame seeds, brie, spinach and olive oil. The result is a Mediterranean styled pie that is satisfying and surprising healthy.
I think the best way to end this article is with dessert, of course. Dessert pizzas are becoming more and more popular, and at least one variety is worthy of mention alongside the other specialty pies that we have taken a look at today. The mouth-watering S'mores pizza starts things off with a real graham cracker crust and tops it with a cream cheese marshmallow cream combination for a sauce base. The "toppings" of this gem are melted chocolate and melted miniature marshmallows. Yes it is sweet. Yes it is messy, but this dessert is decadent!

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